Document Type : Full Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student,Biomedical Engineering Group, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, K.N. Toosi University of Technology

2 Professor, Biomedical Engineering Group, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, K.N. Toosi University of Technology

3 Professor, Biophysics Group, Medical Department, Picardie University

4 Assistant Professor,Communication Engineering Group, Electrical Engineering Department, Shiraz University of Technology

5 Associate Professor, Neurophysiology Group, Medical Department, Picardie University



Reliable gradation of neonatal brain development is important for clinical investigation of neurological disorders. A prerequisite for such quantification of development is knowledge about an appropriate temporal resolvability. For this purpose, we investigated the evolution of macroscopic morphological features of the neonatal brain to estimate, for the first time, the required temporal interval in the early weeks after birth. In a first step, we constructed two neonatal templates for the age ranges of 39-40 and 41- 42 weeks' gestational age using T1-weighted MR images. We compared the spatial variation of anatomical landmarks and the average and the maximal length of spatial deformation in 25 subjects normalized to the two templates along x, y and z directions. MANOVA confirmed the significant difference between spatial variations of the above macroscopic features in the two age ranges. Furthermore, quantitative analysis of feature scattering yielded the same result even in features for which the null hypothesis was not rejected by MANOVA. We conclude that minimal temporal interval of two weeks is required for acute macroscopic morphological studies of the developing brain in the early weeks after birth.


Main Subjects

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