Document Type : Full Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Brain Behavioral Science Group, University of Birmingham

2 Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Tarbiat Modares University

3 Associate Professor, Biophysics Group, School of Medicine, Tarbiat Modares University



A novel approach to surface electromyogram (sEMG) signal classification using its higher order statistics (HOS) is presented in this study. As the probability density function of the sEMG during isometric contraction in some cases is very close to the Gaussian distribution, it is frequently assumed to be Gaussian. As this assumption is not valid when the force is small, in this paper, we consider the non-Gaussian characteristics of the sEMG, and compute the second-, the third- and the fourth order statistics of the sEMG as its features. These features are used to classify four upper limb primitive motions, i.e., elbow flexion (EF), elbow extension (EE), forearm supination (FS), and forearm pronation (FP). We used the sequential forward selection (SFS) method to reduce the number of HOS features to a sufficient minimum while retaining their discriminatory information, and apply the Knearest neighbor method for classification. Our approach is robust against statistical variations in noise, and does not require additional computations compared to existing methods for providing high rates of correct classification of the sEMG, which makes it useful in devising real-time sEMG controlled prostheses.


Main Subjects

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